
Showing posts from March 30, 2011

Week 8 - Cable Jointing - North Parade lateral spread, QE2 Drive consolidation, Philpotts Rd consolidation, Pages Rd.

Work log: Monday 21st March: Worked at North Parade, Shirley to repair a low voltage XLPE attached to a bridge for a private right-of-way that had been severely bent (but still operating ok, amazingly!) by the riverbanks 'slumping' in the earthquake 22nd Feburary. Slumping bending the low voltage XLPE Steve showing off the bent section Tuesday 22nd: QEII Drive near Marshlands Rd roundabout, XLPE-XLPE 11kV joint, network consolidation. Wednesday 23rd: Philpotts Rd near QEII Drive, XLPE 11kV termination into kiosk for network consolidation. Tightening 11kV terminations in kiosk Thursday 24th: Philpotts Rd again, more kiosk terminations and XLPE-PILCA joint. Finished kiosk terminations Friday 25th: Pages Road near bridge, PILCA-XLPE-PILCA faulty 11kV cable replacement. These rings are the modern alternative to lead wiping. Liquefaction causes the building to sink, pulling overhead connections off. Riverbank 'slumping', causing th...