Week 11-Finishing the Bromley-Dallington build
Poles in on the 66kV line from Bromley to Dallington, time to run the conductors (lines). Work log: Monday 11th April: Install conductors on Gayhurst Road. Tuesday & Wednesday 12th & 13th April: Install conductors on McBratneys Road. Thursday 14th April: Install conductors on Strathfield Road. Friday 15th April: Install 2x poles and associated conductors for termination into Dallington Substation. Analysis: Installing 66kV conductors on poles Unprecedented in Christchurch, these lines are a 3-year 'stop gap' to keep electricity running in Eastern Christchurch. Easier to maintain and repair than underground 66kV cables, these are a sensible solution in the meantime until new underground cables can be run. Orion has produced a time line of work they want done on the Christchurch network HERE . Now that the poles are in place, which are effectively the anchor points for conductors, the conductors can now be run. Preparation for this involves having ...