Weeks 21 and 22 - final weeks of my ASL.
Well, I'm back at CPIT now, and it's been a week of many emotions.. Even though I know I'm a Tutor who is now teaching the future electrical workers who will help rebuild Christchurch, I feel I've abandoned my city. Packing a shovel and digging, helping with joints, even talking to locals with broken homes, I felt like I was helping defy these earthquakes that have progressively worsened or ruined life for many of us. What I don't miss; seeing damage. The central city and towards the east just has so much damage. Seeing all of this gets me down, really. I get this feeling of 'where do you start'? The job of fixing Christchurch seems massive. It will be a long process. I want to thank so many people for helping me with my Academic Study Leave, what I will do is a new post (next time) and do it then. This post will cover my last two weeks with Connetics. Soooooo.... Work log: Monday 20th June: 11kV PILCA-XLPE-PILCA transition joints outside AMI st...