
Showing posts from June 9, 2011

Week 18; The relocation of New Brighton substation to Rawhiti substation.

This week I observed the finishing of the circuit which is an extension of the original 'emergency circuit' that Orion, Connetics, Independent Lines, and Mainpower constructed to enable relivening of the New Brighton Substation after it was sunk by liquefaction from the M6.3 aftershock of the 22nd February 2011. The extension runs to a new substation in Rawhiti Domain in New Brighton, which did not (and in future, hopefully won't) get much liquefaction. See 'Analysis' for further information. New Brighton substation - a door even I can reach! Work log:  Monday 30th May: Install 66kV poles on Keyes Road. Tuesday 31 May: Start running 66kV conductors, Baker St. Wednesday 1 June: Run 66kV conductors from Baker St to Keyes Rd. Thursday 2 June: JOINTING: Prebbleton substation installation. Prebbleton substation 11 and 33kV cables underneath the Prebbleton substation Friday 3 June: Run 66kV conductors into Rawhiti substation. ANALYSIS: How ...