Academic study leave

I'm one week out from my ASL to Connectics. I'm off there to learn how to cable joint and do line mechanic work for 26(?) weeks.. VERY exciting!

The reason? CPIT here at Sullivan Ave (the Tradefit site) have a 33,000 Volt overhead network, but have nobody onsite to teach it with. The network was kindly installed and donated by Orion, Connectics, Electricity Ashburton, Mainpower, and Independent Line Services (I may have missed some, apologies!). So I'm off to 'learn the trade' and then come back here and teach it!

Today Stephen Price and myself are going to Connectics for a meeting with their representative to iron out any issues.

I've got 2x sets of 'electrically safe' overalls, a hard hat, boots, safety goggles (tinted!) and my first aid certificate (last week!), so hopefully i'm reasonable well prepared. I'll be getting a notebook and using my phone with its 5Mp camera to take pics.

I'll re-post back here after my meeting. Wish me luck!


Briggs said…
Looking forward to reading about your experiences Andrew!
Briggs said…
How was your first day Andrew?

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